Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Super Chillaxer

Today I feel less like Superwoman and more like Superchillaxer. Its been pretty laid back round here since I sent two of my kids home sick last week and they’ve yet to return. Apparently their mama thinks the sniffly nose and cough they started coming to me with is enough to keep them at. I think I get frustrated at that because I feel like the children staying home is a result unhealthy temper tantrums more than an illness, but I also enjoy a quieter space, so really it’s a winning situation for me.

To really chillax, I threw a movie on for the girls to watch while falling asleep and have spent their naptime chatting with my husband on IM and blogging, I’m making attempts to regain my creativity, while checking on them every few minutes. There are still dishes to wash, floors to clean and toilets to scrub, but for some reason those are low priority. Each new thought floods my mind in awe with the awesome weather outside, luminous storm clouds one minute, blinding sun the next, accompanied by an eager south easterly breeze. I want to go outside and play with my dog but I’m afraid I’d wake the girls thereby ending my lovely quiet time.

I’ve been thinking about different types of pre-school curriculum and how I can incorporate it into my daycare schedule. Having two infants really makes it difficult to implement a curriculum, though not impossible. I am so excited to help the kids learn and grow, it’ll be a hoot. I really should just make a plan and stick to it… We’ll see how it goes

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