Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 3 (and 4?) on My Birthday

April 9, 2010. Today I am 25 years old, a whole quarter of a century my girlfriend lovingly reminded me.

Already today is a strange day. When my alarm sang at 6 a.m. I leapt from bed to turn it off, crawled back under the covers and laid there, wide-eyed. I'm not tired! Unsure the last time I woke refreshed, I decided to make the most of it and complete day 3 of P90X: Shoulders, Arms and Abs. I did the workouts and pushed myself, sometimes using 20 pounds on biceps, and skipping two exercises to speed things along. Where did all this energy come from? The past few years I'd begun to dread my birthday, due in large part to being forgotten, but this year I talked about it with my husband and told him what I wanted, so over Easter weekend, he went and bought his favorite cake for me from Safeway and sang happy birthday to me with our family.

40! I screamed out the last rep as I completed it. I'd worked to exhaustion. Grinning, I gingerly picked myself up, feeling stronger and happy to feel so accomplished at 7:15 a.m. Maybe I'll do Yoga X later tonight? Or maybe I won't. Though I LOVE working out with my husband in the evenings, I've found that if I don't wake up and workout first thing, I am more likely not to complete it. So we'll see how it goes, but right now, having finished one workout and being a birthday girl are two pretty amazingly fun things, and I get both today.

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