Monday, April 19, 2010

Icky, icky being sick. Go away and don't come back so quick!

Illness. When I imagine the word I see people with heads in toilets, though that is probably a better descriptor of a hangover. Rarely do I imagine one writhing in pain when in motion or while laying still. But that's what happened to me last Friday when all my daycare kids were home sick, I was at home and sick too. Only I didn't know it yet. When the funny, icky feeling started up in my tummy and traveled its fiery path to my throat, I thought it strange and managed to complete Yoga X, Legs, Back and Ab Ripper X. Little did I know that for the next day and a half anything I ate would cause excruciating pain and threaten eruption at the slightest movement. Ick.

So what did I do? A whole lotta nothing. I laid. On the couch, on the floor, in bed. I sat too, sometimes. I think there were periods where I didn't move for several hours at a time, which would normally drive me crazy, it's so unlike me. Sometimes I watched TV, but mostly I just sat. It's ironic that during the stillest of times my creativity gets revved way up and I produce beautiful, profound thoughts that I'm sure I'll remember later because my phone is just out of reach and my pen beyond it. But alas, 'tis a falsehood I often tell myself in an attempt to forgive me for being unable to move. Oh well, maybe next time I'll be ready. 

Today I'm feeling better, something I'm quite thankful for, and it's full steam ahead! Later today I'll work in Chest, Back and Abs, and I'm just going let Kenpo go for last week. It's so tough to forgive yourself sometimes, to realize that you can't do and be everything to everyone all the time and to actually be ok with it. It's something I struggle with at least, who knows. Maybe you do too.

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