Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Long Work Days

It's been a long day... long two days actually. Each waking at the but-crack of dawn and tumbling uncomfortably into bed after midnight fast asleep. Each I've also made tremendous headway preparing the house for childcare. Already it more resembles a home-care center than I thought I could accomplish; it makes me eager to meet my little ones.

There's only one problem. My licensing walk-through has been pushed back, again. The first time it wasn't too bad because it was just a day, but I missed a call from my licensor during my First Aid and Blood Born Pathogen training class. When I called her back at the break, she asked for an additional week. I am now scheduled for January 21.

This is really a blessing disguised- I know I'm not ready for the walk-through, but fighting the wave of disappointment is not easy. Se la vie. Faced with this conundrum of feelings, I can either make the best of it or wallow shortly and then pack it all in. Said that way, wallowing does not sound fun at all.

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