Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Long Work Days

It's been a long day... long two days actually. Each waking at the but-crack of dawn and tumbling uncomfortably into bed after midnight fast asleep. Each I've also made tremendous headway preparing the house for childcare. Already it more resembles a home-care center than I thought I could accomplish; it makes me eager to meet my little ones.

There's only one problem. My licensing walk-through has been pushed back, again. The first time it wasn't too bad because it was just a day, but I missed a call from my licensor during my First Aid and Blood Born Pathogen training class. When I called her back at the break, she asked for an additional week. I am now scheduled for January 21.

This is really a blessing disguised- I know I'm not ready for the walk-through, but fighting the wave of disappointment is not easy. Se la vie. Faced with this conundrum of feelings, I can either make the best of it or wallow shortly and then pack it all in. Said that way, wallowing does not sound fun at all.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hit by a Car, part 2

As we pulled into the empty lot of the closest vet in town, I tried to still the trembling in my stomach. Jumping from the car, I rang the emergency bell, hoping desperately that it would wake a cranky vet student from sleep on his books. It didn’t work.

Back in the car, my girlfriend was busily searching for phone numbers to vet clinics, looking for one open on weekends. We called several, but each directed callers to dial the an on-call pager, so she called.

The three-minute pause waiting for the vet to call back was terrible. Outside by the useless emergency bell, I paced like a caged lion. So I moved to the car and texted updates like a mad woman to my husband. Time. Empty space. Waiting... nothing. It was pure madness.

“Beep, beep.” The return call from the vet flashed through my text, scaring the bageezes from me so that I began stumbling with my phone like a hot potato. Managing to get a firm grasp, I answered a feeble ‘hello.’

“This is the on-call vet. I received a message to call this number. Is everything ok?” a young, female voice asked.

“My dog’s been hit by a car. Where should I take her?” Think Crissy! It a good thing I’m required to have directions to my house and emergency numbers posted next to my home phone to become licensed! For the first time, I doubted my ability to reiterate anything coherent in a crisis.

“Do you know where Associated Veterinary Clinic is?” the friendly vet replied.

Saying I did not, I listened to quick instructions and repeated them so my girl friend could begin driving. Taking the cue, she put the car in gear and sped beautifully out of the parking lot.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Spiced Chai

Do you ever have one of those days where things are only half completed? That's my day today. It's pretty much the end of my definable work day and I look around at a bunch of half-completed projects. I assure you, there is method to half of my madness...

So to harbor the approaching headache and ease my pre-license walk-through stress, I have before me a cup of Big Train Spiced Chai. If you've never tried it you really should. It's this wonderfully creamy blend of yummy and it tastes better than those expensive chai's you buy at coffee shops because you mix it yourself. My favorite combo is 8th Continent Soy milk, 1 scoop Big Train Spiced Chai, and a shot of Coconut liqueur all topped with hazelnut sprinkles. It's fantastic. The only thing you gotta watch out for is your kids, if you have them. Just one sip and they are begging for more!

Aside from chai, today's been pretty good. I finished my last baptismal class and set my baptism date for February 13, 2010. I'm a bit of a romantic, even when it comes to God, but I'm sure He doesn't mind! I only slightly worry that others will think I'm a bit off kilter, but I've decided not to care. Daily devotions make such a huge difference in my day and for the first time in my life God is real to me. I'm so fired up about God. Not in the truly thrilling experience of a good spiritual retreat, the kind that might wear away when you go home. It feels more like the slow burning fire that can heat up any wintery night. It's amazing and so much fun.

Maybe tomorrow I'll get more done. Se la vie!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hit by a Car, part 1

Ding-dong! The bell echoed in my brain, disturbing all thoughts of paying the formidable stack of bills glaring up at me. Feeling better for the first time in a week, I raced to the door wondering if a friend was happening by. No such luck, I should have known anyway, friends just use the side door and don't bother knocking.

The tall young man wore a navy YMCA track suit and stood next to a girl with dark eye-liner; both looked lost.

"Do you own a brown dog?" he asked.

Brown dog? Dog. Harley! "Yes, I own a dog," I didn't think it was necessary to say she was really a red-wheaten color.

"I think we hit your dog," he said.

The girl tried to speak too, but I raced to the open side gate which should have been locked. "Harley!" I screamed, again and again. Filled with dread, I didn't know what to speak or think or do. Intense anger and sadness filled from my white-slippered feet to towel-dried head.

Then I saw her moving, slowly, toward me, favoring her right hind leg. When she reached me the blood near her soulful brown eye nearly sent me to tears. I wanted to scream, to cry out in agony, to pound my fists into the drivers car. How could he be so careless? How could he not have seen? She's a 62-pound dog!

I helped Harley settle into her kennel, her safe spot, before going back outside to talk to the couple.

"Are you willing to help cover any of the veterinary costs?" I didn't know any state laws, but that is what felt just and right to me. My dog is not just a pet, she is my friend, my family.

The girlfriend got defensive and started spouting something about the damage sustained to his car. Frankly, I didn't care what she thought, he was the person I was responsible to talking with as he was the negligent driver.

We exchanged numbers and he left.

But the excitement was far from over. My well-meaning hubby had accidentally taken my car keys on an out of town venture. We did have another car, but the battery was dead from the winter cold and not being used. I began dialing friends' phone numbers, praying that someone could help me.

I got through to my best girlfriend on the third ring. "Harley's been hit by a car and Jess is gone with my keys!"

"I'll be right there!"

You really do find out who your friends are. I could've called a half dozen others, I bet she's the only one that would have answered without listening to my message first.