Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I was Gone, but now I'm Back

It's been a while, bad, I know. As you might have guessed, I stopped doing P90X, though not of my own volition. It was a beautiful Sunday and I was in Tri-Cities playing mini-golf for a girlfriend's birthday. Fun was had by all, though like all the other good things, play time came to an end. However, before we left Golf Universe, mi esposo wanted to check out the driving range and have me demo a few golf clubs.

Eager to please, I obliged, though I really shouldn't have. Shot after horrifying shot, I carefully brought the club up in the air, swung down toward the ground, hit 12 inches behind the tee dragging the club across the two-inch pad layered over the concrete, and followed through... I looked awful and it didn't feel much better either.

By the time I realized that I wasn't accomplishing anything other than physically abusing my own body, the damage had already been done, though I didn't know it, yet.

With the dawn of a beautiful Monday morning I woke and went about my day taking care of my daycare kids. At roughly 1:32 p.m. as I was completing a semi-regular clean sweep, I bent over at the waist to pick a wooden toy block and as I straightened up, something happened. Horrid pain seared through my entire back, sending me doubled over to the floor in a pain that would persist for an additional three weeks which no amount of pain medication would relieve.

And when I began recovery, I didn't want to push things too quickly and risk remission. So here I am, several weeks later, at about the state I started from... (Well, I am about six pounds lighter, but that's really not a consolation.)

So yeah... I quit. But I'm back. I'm gearing up for another go at it, though with a slightly different routine. P90X Lean. It has more cardio, something I really enjoy. When will I start? Soon... more to come...

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